It’s safe to say any Prada piece is a token of luxury. Prada crafts beautiful bags that can stand within the ranks of other premier designer favorites. However, over recent years, consumers seem less than glamorized by the brand, and the numbers show it. Prada’s profits Chloe Replica Handbags have fallen tremendously this year, and the fashion house has tried everything from cutting back on physical boutiques to producing lowered price bags to get out of the deep rut. For a while at least, the fate of Prada seemed a little bleak.

To remedy the spiral, Prada launched a huge campaign for the new “Inside Bag Tote” in hopes of creating the next “it-bag” and gaining traction back to the brand. Thus far, the Inside Bag has received mixed reviews and it remains up in the air whether the bag can reach icon status. Nonetheless, Prada is still looking to romance consumers again and revitalize their collection with fresh, new bags.
What are your thoughts on exclusivity within luxury fashion? Can luxury brands really be both exclusive AND inclusive? Would you ever give up buying your favorite brand if you felt too many people were wearing it? And where does Hermès fit into all of this? Let us know your thoughts.
Judging by the looks of the Spring/Summer 2016 show, Prada may be making headway on getting its groove back. A number of new silhouettes were seen on the runway and bold designs were prominent. New styles included bags with large top-handles and structured, boxy bodies. One standout piece was a new flap bag with a large chained strap. The Inside bag and classic tote style debuted in totally new versions. Overall, Prada’s new designs this season included lots of colorblocking and play with textures and lines. Stripes, exotic materials, and bold colors like red, green and yellow adorned many bags.