Whether you consider your collection an investment or not, there is a secret (or not so secret) jubilance in knowing that if you ever need or want to sell you can get all or part of the price paid back. Sometimes, this provides justification or excuse to lay out the cash. True, even lower end bags may fetch some coin at resale and consignment posts, but it typically is pennies on the dollar rather than a grand percentage.
The strength of resale, however, still correlates to that of the primary market. There’s little reason to purchase a pre-owned (even unused) Birkin if you can get a new one, unless it is less expensive or an impossible to find fabrication. In simple Replica Bottega Veneta Bags economic terms, if supply exceeds demand, prices should decline. We can observe that prices for many larger sized Hermès bags like the Birkin 35 have fallen in the secondary market. They no longer fetch the handsome 100% increase they once did. As a result, those bags collecting dust in your closet may no longer be worth what you had hoped. And they may not sell as quickly.
It's a complicated topic and opinions will vary based on one's history with the brand. What about you? Maybe you’re already planning a trip to Paris for the Hermès summer sales event . Or you’re not only staying away but complaining to your local Hermes sales manager. Let us know where you stand on the sales.

A few weeks later, I was in store checking out the new stock that had arrived when the store manager walked past with a little box and said “something for you to consider”. My first thought was “shoes” as this tiny box looked far too small to me to contain a Birkin or a Kelly. Imagine my delight when she peeled back the layers of tissue paper to reveal a tiny Sellier Kelly 25, Epsom Leather in Rose Jaipur. I pranced around the store with her flung over my shoulder and didn’t hesitate, I would be taking her home.
Once I got the bag home to play with, the more practical question arose of what would actually fit in this tiny bag. I immediately tried to jam my Kelly Wallet into it. This was a non-starter. There was no way it would fit. The same went for my iPad, it would also no longer be coming anywhere with me. It can however, comfortably fit my Calvi, some make up essentials such as lipstick and a compact, keys, my iPhone and sunglasses with some room to spare. Having road tested it for about a week now, I couldn’t be happier with this smaller sized handbag. It is light, elegant and versatile with the strap making it very functional for day use. The removal of the strap then turns it into an elegant little evening bag by night cheap replica handbags.