tay up late tonight if you're in the United States as some very special bags are hitting the auction block at Christie's Hong Kong. You may recall that there have been record-breaking prices at some of these auctions and we suspect this one will be Replica Celine Handbags no different.
As part of PurseBop's continuing collaboration with Christie's, we will keep you up to date on hot auction news. Below you will find PurseBop's picks to watch at the live auction May 30th at 11am Hong Kong time. We are excited to see how these bags fare.

We hope you caught our article at christies.com but just in case you missed it and need some extra eye candy, you can read it here Evolution of a Collector. Which one is your personal favorite, we shared ours here on Instagram and it was a real hit.
Could greater race and size inclusion be the type of inclusivity that luxury fashion brands need? True luxury fashion is never going to be attainable to the masses. It's in its very nature to be highly priced. However, when it comes to race, body type and age, luxury fashion may be lagging behind if it doesn't strive for greater inclusivity.
Remember when another Birkin made history: a non-Himalaya Birkin garnered $117,394 during Christie’s Paris handbag auction from a buyer in Hong Kong following a bidding war (read: New Birkin Breaks Auction Record).As part of our collaboration with Christie’s, our PurseBop community members are entitled to a little extra special care. If you are interested in curating your collection with Christie’s or if you should need any help with registration, the bidding process or would like any bag tips or advice, contact us at monika@pursebop.com or direct message us on IG @pursebop and we will make sure to get you the help you need www.replicabags.me.